The winter 2018 installment of the International Area Rug Market at AmericasMart, Atlanta went live Wednesday 10 January to Sunday 14 January. Attendees at the January International Area Rug Market in Atlanta were treated to a variety of luxury and casual...
How to Select the Right Carpet for Your Home
Text and images by Cyrus Artisan Rugs Selecting a carpet or rug for your home can be daunting, especially if you’re not much of an interior designer. Nowadays, homeowners have access to a wide variety of floor coverings, from modern and contemporary to antique and...
String Art Nails It!
Denna Jones 'It was like looking through a bird cage', declared artist Henry Moore describing how 19th c string mathematical models seen during a 1930s visit to the Science Museum, London inspired him to incorporate strings stretched taut across metal to create a...
New Designers 2013: a Star is Discovered
Denna Jones "Pop! pop! pop!" Daniel Beckford positions his arms to hold an imaginary rug tufting gun, pumps his hands, and delights in providing verbal support for his impromptu demonstration of how he placed scattered pot shots of wool across a quadrant of his degree...
Outsider Art exhibition in London features textile artists
The conceptual underpinnings of Outsider Art are problematic. Who's "in" and who's "out" is just one of the questions no one has adequately defined. Your scribe is puzzling this conunudrum for multiple publications, so will say no more for now other that to present...
Christopher Farr brings Bauhaus and a mythical maze to Forza Tappeti
Woven in linen and cotton Red Meander was designed by Anni Albers, famed alumnus of the Bauhaus in Germany and founding faculty member at the legendary Black Mountain College in North Carolina. It was she who can be credited with developing and disseminating a...
The pop! of modern African textiles meets Roy Lichtenstein
Over the river, and through the woods, but your scribe isn't going to grandma's house. A visit to the British Museum's African Textiles Today requires perseverance to cross multiple galleries, wend through crowds, until Gallery 90 is reached by fleet feet up four...
A seamstress, her thimble and two graffiti artists
Better to seek forgiveness than ask permission is a useful guiding principle for those who have a cunning plan but problematic superiors. Seeking forgiveness isn't just for usual suspect rogue operators. Ramón Mor, padre at L'Hospitalet de Llobregat near Barcelona,...
Time for Design Days Dubai
Humans since 1982 are a Stockholm-based design group. Their studio name is based on their date of birth, which causes your scribe to ask what were they before 1982? Too imponderable for a short essay. More ponderable is 1982 is the year famed Swedish photographer...