‘In my years as a judge, the competition this year is probably the most fierce’. These are the words of Jamie Metrick, head of the jury for the 19th Carpet Design Awards. Despite it having been an undoubtedly difficult decision, the finalists for the awards have officially been chosen.
The prestigious awards—presented in collaboration with COVER and HALI magazines—celebrate contemporary carpet design and reflect the innovations and trends within the industry. In selecting the finalists, the jury paid particular attention to the design, quality and exquisite craftsmanship of the handmade rugs. Carin Terins, also a member of this year’s CDA jury, was particularly impressed by the quality of the submissions, saying: ‘I am fascinated by the passion and creativity that designers and artists possess, as demonstrated by this competition. The mix between contemporary and traditional elements, the variation between colourful and finely tuned neutrals, the beautiful craftsmanship and the importance placed on sustainability, all give me great hope for the future of the industry.’
A total of 206 carpet designs were submitted worldwide for the Carpet Design Awards 2024, of which 24 entries reached the final round of the competition and will be on display in Hall 3 during DOMOTEX. Here we reveal the shortlisted entries that will compete at Domotex Hanover in January 2024.
Category 01: Best Studio Artist Design
Original small scale production design from an artist or designer.

Category 02: Best Modern Design Superior
Original contemporary designs showing optimum use of materials.

Category 03: Best Modern Design Deluxe
Original contemporary design showing optimum use of materials.

Category 04: Best Transitional Design
A new rug that interprets traditional designs for a contemporary audience.

Category 05: Best Flatweave Design
Original rug design demonstrating the flatweave technique.

Category 06: Best Collection
Contemporary Traditional or Transitional design collections demonstrating a common theme.

Category 07: Best Interior
A high-end customisation project or rug installation represented by high-quality images.

Category 08: Sustainability Award
A rug that is produced with a low carbon footprint or/and that incorporates ethical practices.

Be sure not to miss the CDA ceremony at 5.30pm on Friday 12 January at Domotex Hannover when the winners will be announced!