
Carpet Design Awards 2021 Shortlist

May 12, 2021

The 16th edition of the Carpet Design Awards—presented in partnership with COVER and HALI magazines—will take place in an online ceremony hosted by DOMOTEX on 20 May at 5.00pm GMT

The Carpet Design Awards 2021 are set to be the most hotly contested to date. This year any company had the opportunity to apply to enter the awards, which celebrate original design and innovation in the handmade rug industry. For fifteen years the competition—presented in partnership with COVER and HALI magazines—has been a highlight of Domotex Hannover and open only to exhibitors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the trade fair will not go ahead but has opted to switch the Carpet Design Awards ceremony to an online format taking place at on 20 May at 5.00pm GMT.

With over 350 entries, a shortlist of three has been compiled for all nine of the categories. A new category aimed at design students and recent graduates, Best Emerging Designer, has three finalists (see COVER 60). Former president and vice chair of ABC Carpet and Home Graham Head chairs the jury, which also numbers collection manager for the rugs division at Etoffe.com Irène Ribeiro, designer and creative director at Christian Lacroix Maison Sacha Walckhoff, product manager for carpets at Segmüller Uwe Heublein and interior designer for Carden Cunietti Audrey Carden.

To attend the awards ceremony virtually, visit: https://www.domotex.de/en/side-events/awards/carpet-design-awards

Category 01: Best Studio Artist Design

Shortlisted for Category 01 Best Studio Artist Design <em>Experimania<em> <a href=httpswwwinstagramcomstudiobahlnerhl=en target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Studio Bahlner<a>
Shortlisted for Category 01 Best Studio Artist Design <em>Trappenhuis<em> <a href=httpswwwfloorstorycouk target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>FLOOR STORY<a>
Shortlisted for Category 01 Best Studio Artist Design <em>Universe<em> <a href=httpswwwfiresuncomau target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Firesun<a>

Category 02: Best Modern Design Essential

Shortlisted for Category 02 Best Modern Design Essential <em>Spatial<em> <a href=httpwwwchoudharyexportscom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Choudhary Exports<a>
Shortlisted for Category 02 Best Modern Design Essential <em>Ikebana Kyoto Runner 3<em> Fine Gabbeh Zollanvari Studio for <a href=httpszollanvaricom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Zollanvari International<a>
Shortlisted for Category 02 Best Modern Design Essential <em>Machine ki Duniya<em> <a href=httpswwwjaipurrugscom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Jaipur Rugs<a>

Category 03: Best Modern Design Superior

Shortlisted for Category 03 Best Modern Design Superior <em>AB<em> <a href=httpswwwneshimancom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Neshiman<a>
Shortlisted for Category 03 Best Modern Design Superior <em>Azure<em> <a href=httpsobeeteecom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Obeetee Private Limited<a>
Shortlisted for Category 03 Best Modern Design Superior <em>Anasazi yt374<em> <a href=httpswwwmichaeliancomrugs target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>MK Rugs<a>

Category 04: Best Modern Design Deluxe

Shortlisted for Category 04 Best Modern Design Deluxe <em>Malibu<em> <a href=httpsjennifermannerscouk target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Jennifer Manners Design<a>
Shortlisted for Category 04 Best Modern Design Deluxe <em>Origin<em> <a href=httpswwwcreativemattersinccom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Creative Matters Inc<a>
Shortlisted for Category 04 Best Modern Design Deluxe <em>Carpet Blue Green<em> <a href=httpswwwashtaricarpetscom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Ashtari Carpets<a>

Category 05: Best Transitional Design

Shortlisted for Category 05 Best Transitional Design <em>Her Highness<em> <a href=httpselamcarpetcom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Selam Carpet Home<a>
Shortlisted for Category 05 Best Transitional Design <em>Arc en Ciel<em> <a href=httpswwwwendymorrisondesigncom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Wendy Morrison Design<a>
Shortlisted for Category 05 Best Transitional Design <em>Swiss Quilt <em>Yellow <a href=httpswwwwoolsongcom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Wool Song<a>

Category 06: Best Flatweave Design

Shortlisted for Category 06 Best Flatweave Design <em>Stripes Oliv<em>e Creative Matters Inc
Shortlisted for Category 06 Best Flatweave Design <em>Night Rider<em> <a href=httpkapoorcarpetsnet target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Kapoors Carpets<a>
Shortlisted for Category 06 Best Flatweave Design <em>Atlas<em> <a href=httpsobeeteecom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Obeetee Private Limited<a>

Category 07: Best Collection

Shortlisted for Category 07 Best Collection The Mystique Collection <a href=httpssamadcom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Samad<a>
Shortlisted for Category 07 Best Collection 19 19 Collection <a href=httpswwwfloorstorycouk target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>FLOOR STORY<a>
Shortlisted for Category 07 Best Collection Zakaria Rugs <a href=httpzakariarugscom target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Zakaria Rugs<a>

Category 08: Best Interior

Shortlisted for Category 08 Best Interior<em> Tocca T3 in Grey<em> <a href=httpsbattilossicomen target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Battilossi<a>
Shortlisted for Category 08 Best Interior Concrete House<a href=httpswwwfloorstorycouk target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener> FLOOR STORY<a>
Shortlisted for Category 08 Best Interior Isokon Building for the 19 19 Collection <a href=httpswwwfloorstorycouk target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>FLOOR STORY<a>

Category 09: Best Emerging Designer

Shortlisted for Category 09 Best Emerging Designer <em>Constructive NYC<em> Seo Hye Lee
Shortlisted for Category 09 Best Emerging Designer <em>My Story<em> Milad Sediqi
Shortlisted for Category 09 Best Emerging Designer <em><em>Id rather be in Pantelleria<em> <em><a href=httpswwwinstagramcomnancibyrnelynchhl=en gb target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Nanci Byrne Lynch<a>

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