In view of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and uncertainties surrounding international travel, organiser Deutsche Messe AG has listened to buyers and suppliers that have asked for the 2021 edition of Domotex to be held at a later date. ‘It is our duty to act responsibly. From many conversations with exhibitors and partners we have learned that, first and foremost, we have to ensure planning security in good time,’ says Dr. Andreas Gruchow of Deutsche Messe AG. ‘With our comprehensive hygiene and safety concept, as well as with the positive registration situation, we were very optimistic until very recently. But the latest developments show that we do not know whether the travel situation will have significantly improved by January 2021. Consequently, we have decided to postpone Domotex from January to May 2021. The discussions that we had with industry representatives on this issue have all been positive and have shown that the postponement is the right decision!’
Domotex 2021 will take place from Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 May in Hannover, Germany and online. Those unable to attend the trade show in May will have the option to participate digitally. In the meantime, plans for a virtual conference to take place on 15 January 2021—the trade show’s original start date—are already underway. The keynote theme for 2021 will remain ‘Cover New Ground’ for the virtual event, encouraging discussion of new ways of thinking in the wake of the pandemic. Follow COVER on social media for updates on the virtual event.