With technology advancing at lightening speed, many have become obsessed with the latest high-tech devices and it is important not to forget the ingenuity of low tech inventions.
Lausanne’s University of Art and Design (ECAL) presented the ‘Low-Tech Factory’ exposition during Designers’ Saturday in Langenthal, Switzerland, where students were asked to create human-powered designs that reconsider the ideas of manufacturing and challenge modern methods of technological production.
Students Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex created the “Rocking Knit” using a good old fashioned rocking chair. The back and forth action from the chair’s gliding motion generates kinetic energy turning gears in the frame above your head. This puts the low-tech machinery into action. It draws yarn up from a spool beneath the seat which knits a winter hat that emerges right above your head as you enjoy a rare moment of relaxation.
The designers say: ‘”Rocking-Knit” is a new interpretation of the rocking chair. It offers its user productive moments of relaxation. The to-and-fro movement of this armchair knits hats for the winter and requires no exertion whatsoever.’