
As we count down the days to COVER Connect New York, our fourth episode of ‘Following the Thread’ celebrates the upcoming boutique trade show and what it represents for the rug industry. This episode opens with a conversation between CCNY project manager, Rachel Meek and returning visitor Taline Isberian of Isberian Rug Company. Taline explains what she’s looking for at the show, as well as sharing which brands, familiar and unfamiliar to her, she is excited to see. This is followed by a conversation between Ryan Higgins and Ned Baker of COVER Connect exhibitor Tamarian. The pair discuss past editions of what they describe as ‘the best show of the year’. Finally, visiting buyer Jacqueline Cox of Tapis Decor talks about what she hopes to discover at COVER Connect based on recent shifts in client buying behaviour.

COVER Connect New York is an annual boutique show for leading high-end rug brands, hosted in the Metropolitan Pavilion and The Altman Building in Manhattan from 14–16 September 2024.

Want to collaborate with Elena and Lucy for the Following the Thread podcast?

Elena Wyszynski | elena.wyszynski@hali.com


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