
Creative Accents x Jacquin Headen

July 23, 2021

Emerging Gold and Movement are the debut rugs in the new Jacquin Headen Collection based on her abstract paintings

Instagram is a honey trap for interior design fanatics. Andy Hensler of family-owned Creative Accents, a southern California company creating quality tufted rugs since 1967, was scrolling the gram when he came across paintings by Jacquin Headen. Based in Dallas, Headen is founder, designer and Editor-in-Chief of Interiors by Jacquin (and a Doctor of Law as well). The Instagram honey trap transformed into a pot of gold when Hensler found her work. Recognising a unique opportunity, Hensler asked Headen to design a rug collection for Creative Accents.

<em>Emerging Gold<em> by Jacquin Headen for Creative Accents

This is Headen’s inaugural rug collection. Translating paintings into patterns suitable for tufting requires expertise, particularly as the Jacquin Headen Collection features multiple heights of cut and loop wool pile. Hensler and his sister Colleen Schaeffer are the third generation of Henslers to work at Creative Accents. Schaeffer collaborated with Headen to ensure design integrity as each painting was translated for tufting. Headen describes the perfect alignment between their brands. ‘Creative Accents has artistry and statement making at its foundation, making it a perfect match for my own creative brand. Working with Colleen to bring my artwork to life in woven form has been a joy! Her attention to detail and eye for design ensured that every unique brushstroke in my artwork was represented in the recreated rug format.’

<em><em>Emerging Gold<em><em> by Jacquin Headen

The Jacquin Headen Collection launched at High Point Market in June. Movement and Emerging Gold are the debut rugs in the collection joined by Peace, Optimism and Modernist. All designs are based on Headen’s original colour-rich abstract paintings characterised by organic geometry and her signature mark making. Emerging Gold is a celebration of colour; a vibrant, layered painting with 3-D gold brush strokes and hand notations. Movement features a minimalist palette and bold brush strokes. 

<em>Movement<em> by Jacquin Headen for Creative Accents

Translating the work for tufting also means creating a design adaptable to personalisation via Creative Accents’ digital colour visualiser. Headen encourages those engaging with her artwork to ‘choose their own adventure’, and via her Creative Accents collection fans can literally choose a personal colour adventure via the visualiser. Headen’s painting Emerging Gold has a tropical evening look through her use of gold and shades of teal, but the visualiser allows ‘each of my designs [to] be created in any custom colour palette.’ The limitless possibilities of the colour ‘adventure’ are striking when the vibrancy of Headen’s painting is compared to her initial personal tufted choice of a bold but calm palette of pink salt, terracotta and sand. The collection is available in Auto+Graph grade— a single needle tufting technique that creates a high density ‘plush’ texture with crisp detail.

<em><em>Movement<em><em> by Jacquin Headen

‘It has been exciting to see my paintings transformed into luxurious rugs with such beautiful execution,’ says Headen. ‘Collaborating with Creative Accents has been a seamless and enjoyable creative endeavour.’ Headen is an optimist ‘open to the ever-changing path of life’. She underscores her point with a passionate reminder to one and all that ‘movement, change, and adventure are what life is all about!’

Words by

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