Cutting-edge design fair Designjunction returns to King’s Cross, 21-24 September 2017 with over 120 exhibitors during the annual London Design Festival.

Wallace Sewell
Woven-textile design studio Wallace Sewell is celebrating 25 years of producing beautiful fabrics and for Designjunction, Harriet Wallace-Jones and Emma Sewell will show off a new range of wool rugs. ‘This has been on our ‘to-do list’ for years,’ says Emma. ‘Customers would come into the shop to buy our throws and ask if we also made rugs in the same patterns. The designs we have created are not exact copies of our throws, but are inspired by them.’

Someday Designs
Other great textile designers on show will be Lara Görlach, Someday Designs, Beatrice Larkin and Anna-Lisa Smith. The DJ display will be be divided into four zones: Cubitt House and Cubitt Park for the design brands, The Canopy pop-up venue for retail firms including Melin Tregwynt, Granary Square for headline projects and The Crossing, with installations by companies such as Corian, Blackbody and Kirkby Design with Eley Kishimoto.
Register for advance Designjunction tickets.

Beatrice Larkin

Anna-Lisa Smith

Lara Görlach