
Numen/For Use’s Net Blow Up

December 04, 2013

On display near the waterfront of Yokohama, Japan is an inflatable box-like space with bouncy black webs fitted tightly inside. This large scale interactive sculpture called Net Blow Up is the work of Croatian–Austrian design collective Numen/For Use

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Numen For Use

On display near the waterfront of Yokohama, Japan is an inflatable box-like space with bouncy black webs fitted tightly inside. This large scale interactive sculpture called Net Blow Up is the work of Croatian–Austrian design collective Numen/For Use, whose oeuvre comprises grand spatial designs.

The blown-up skin creates an immersive interior cavity filled with a complex network of interwoven mesh material. Visitors inside become enclosed in the balloon-like platform, surrounded by net and bubble and able to bounce and rebound off the ceiling, floor, and walls. The soft entity warps and transfigures with every movement inside, making it a constantly evolving, kinetic area. At night, the illuminated interior almost becomes a projection screen, casting shadows of the shifting environment outside.

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